To address a high volume of new client registrations, our primary healthcare clinic is unable to accept new patients at this time. If you hold an OHIP card and are looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner, please register with Health Care Connect at 1-800-445-1822. Our clinic selects new patients from the Health Care Connect waiting list as spaces become available.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
With the annual Award for Excellence in Health Promotion established in 2007, the SHCHC is proud to honour individuals whose activities and initiatives have contributed to improving the health and wellness of our community. These unsung heroes deserve our recognition for their contributions to building healthy Sandy Hill and Ottawa East communities through activities such as health education, policy initiatives or increased public awareness around health issues, and who demonstrated leadership and collaborated with others to promote health and wellness in the community.
This year, the award was presented at the Annual General Meeting on June 28th, to Ms. Carol Workun, in recognition of her leadership role as a committed volunteer with the Community Activities Group of Ottawa East and resident of the Old Ottawa East community. Taking a leadership role, she supported the development of CAG and initiated numerous new programs and services for residents of Old Ottawa East, creating many new opportunities for adult and children’s physical activities and wellbeing. For the past 5 years, Carol has acted as the inaugural Director of CAG overseen by a volunteer CAG Board. Working part-time in this capacity, Carol has escalated the breadth of CAG opportunities for children, always eager to work to find creative ways to make new initiatives happen. Those community partners fortunate to work with Carol recognize her enthusiasm and commitment to her community that extends far beyond the limits of her job description. Without directly articulating the Social Determinants of Health, Carol conducts her work in an analytical manner with a strong conviction for equity and fair opportunity for more isolated or marginalized communities that experience barriers to accessing services. With a clear understanding of the structural relations of power and the impact of poverty, Carol has worked to increase recreational opportunities for all in Old Ottawa East.
Many residents now recognize the beginning of summer as the week after the Main Event held on the third weekend in June. Carol has coordinated the Main Event since it’s inception and, while it is a group effort and relies on many volunteers to host this successfully, community building event, it could not happen without the professional coordination skills and experience of Carol at the helm. Hundreds of people come together to attend and celebrate their community during this two day festival, including community garage sales, outdoor movie night, arts and crafts, info tables, kids activities, BBQ, music, and more! Never one to rest on her laurels, Carol spearheaded the efforts to fundraiser and oversee the Brantwood Park Fieldhouse Revitalization Project, is supporting the Springhurst Park Playstructure Revitalization, and is already looking to the future with potential initiatives such as a BMX/Skateboard Park for youth. As one of the key community leaders that have devoted their time to improve the health and well-being of all residents, Carol has brought her cheerful commitment to make Old Ottawa East a healthier place to live. Working quietly and out of the spotlight, Carol Workun is one of this community’s most valuable health promoters and community builders. With the annual Award for Excellence in Health Promotion established in 2007, the SHCHC is proud to honour individuals whose activities and initiatives have contributed to improving the health and wellness of our community. These unsung heroes deserve our recognition for their contributions to building healthy Sandy Hill and Ottawa East communities through activities such as health education, policy initiatives or increased public awareness around health issues, and who demonstrated leadership and collaborated with others to promote health and wellness in the community.
Recognition of Territory
Sandy Hill CHC is built on un-ceded Algonquin Anishinabe territory. The peoples of the Algonquin Anishinabe Nation have lived on this territory for millennia. Their culture and presence have nurtured and continue to nurture this land. Sandy Hill CHC honours the peoples and land of the Algonquin Anishinabe Nation.