To address a high volume of new client registrations, our primary healthcare clinic is unable to accept new patients at this time. If you hold an OHIP card and are looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner, please register with Health Care Connect at 1-800-445-1822. Our clinic selects new patients from the Health Care Connect waiting list as spaces become available.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Substance Use Addictions & Mental Health

Substance Use, Addictions & Mental Health

We provide a confidential and supportive continuum of services for individuals, family members and youth seeking help for substance use, behavioural health challenges such as problem gambling and co-occuring mental health concerns. Services include: counselling, psychotherapy, case management, systems navigation, care coordination and a variety of supportive and psychoeducational groups.

Substance Use Addictions & Mental Health

Counselling Services

We provide confidential and supportive counselling services for individuals, families and adolescents seeking help for addictions (including problem gambling), mental health issues, or concurrent disorders.

Single Session Counselling

Counselling Connect provides free access to a same-day or next-day phone or video counselling session.  Counsellors are available to assist with concerns about mental health, substance use, addictions and gambling.  Open to youth, adults, older adults and family members.  Appointments are virtual through phone or video.

Service is provided via

Request Service

Adult Treatment for Substance Use and Addictions

We provide confidential and supportive counselling, case management and care coordination services for individuals seeking help for substance use on its own or combined with co-occuring mental health concerns. 

Contact AccessMHA to book an assessment and to find the right agency to meet your needs. You will be paired with a trained mental health and addiction professional who will connect you to the services you need from a network of partner organizations, including Sandy Hill Community Health Centre.

Counselling at Sandy Hill starts with an assessment provided by

Request Service

Youth Substance Use Counselling

Individual counselling and psychotherapy for youth.

Ages 16 to 18.

Call 613-789-1500

Problem Gambling

Individual counselling and psychotherapy as well as facilitated self-exclusion from casinos.

Ages 16 years and up.

Call 613-789-1500

Family Support

Individual coaching, counselling and/or psychotherapy for family and friends of a person with substance use, addiction or gambling concerns. Clients may access this service for help to support their loved one and/or for issues that the loved one's situation bring up for themselves.

Ages 16 years and up.

Call 613-789-1500

Not finding the right type of counselling?

AccessMHA makes it easier to help find free mental health and/or substance use/addiction support, services, and care.

Visit helps children, youth and families connect with the right mental health and addiction services and care.


Intensive Case Management

Our ICM program provides intensive supports for people with substance use disorders who experience barriers to recovery due to chronic homelessness, lengthy histories of incarceration and mental and physical health challenges. The Service is rooted in the "Housing First" philosophy that most people, when adequately supported initially, have the ability to live independently and that housing is a basic human right and essential for good health and optimal recovery.

Referrals are made through the Mental Health Community Supports Services. Download the referral form by clicking the button below.

Download PDF

Substance Use Addictions & Mental Health

Consumption and Treatment Services

Inject, snort or swallow  in a hygienic, safe space in the presence of a staff who will reverse an opioid overdose and who can connect you with other services.

Consumption & Treatment Services (CTS) is a health service that provides a supervised and hygienic space for people to inject, snort, or swallow drugs obtained either through the unregulated market or by prescription.

Our CTS service provides supervision for up to 5 people at a time.

Permitted activities:

  • The consumption of prescription and street drugs by injection, snorting, or swallowing
  • Peer assisted injecting
  • Drug checking
  • Splitting and Sharing

Our staffing complement is a mix of Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, Social Services Workers and people with lived or living experience of marginalized substance use.

CTS hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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Substance Use Addictions & Mental Health


We provide confidential and supportive recovery services for individuals, families and adolescents seeking help for addictions (including problem gambling), mental health issues, or concurrent disorders.

SMART Recovery for Families and Caregivers

Being close to someone who is struggling with addiction can be frustrating, painful and sometimes feel like a lonely journey. We want to offer support so that you do not lose yourself on this journey. These meetings will offer an opportunity to learn how you can develop skills to then help you cope and help your loved one choose recovery and most importantly, to meet with others who are walking/have walked similar journeys.

This meeting is co-facilitated with Pleo (Parent's Lifeline of Eastern Ontario), a family peer support organization

Join us once,  every week, or whenever you feel the need to connect. 

Thursdays from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Join us on Zoom

SMART Recovery

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual support groups.  At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any with any addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling, and over-eating, among others)

Additional local and world wide meetings are available. Find other meetings on the Smart Recovery Website.

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm 

If you do not have a device that uses video, you can dial-in: 613-209-3054 and enter meeting ID 828 9534 3008

Join us on Zoom

Drug and Alcohol Education Group

A group for people who do not have concerns about their substance use, but are required or advised by someone else to seek addictions services. The program consists of two sessions of 3 hours each for a total of 6 hours. A letter of completion is provided to those who attend all sessions.

Press 4 to access reception and ask to speak with  Zoe.

Call 613-789-1500

Supporting Your Loved One Workshop

This virtual workshop will offer an opportunity to increase understanding on addiction, behaviours related to use and how to provide support without losing oneself.

For more information on our upcoming session, please contact Zoe.

Press 4 to access reception and ask to speak with  Zoe.

Call 613-789-1500


Acu-Detox is the placement of acupuncture needles in strategic spots in both ears.  Acu-Detox is a quiet and safe treatment that supports mental health and substance use recovery. This is offered in a group setting, currently available in person on Friday afternoons. Registration required.

For more information or to register, please call 613-789-1500, press 4 to access reception and ask to speak with Zoe.

Press 4 to access reception and ask to speak with Zoe.

Call 613-789-1500

Substance Use Addictions & Mental Health

Harm Reduction Distribution Service
(the Junction)

Single use equipment for injecting and smoking drugs to reduce infection and health issues from shared and reused equipment.

Learn more about Harm Reduction

The Junction provides needle distribution/safer smoking supplies to people who use drugs in Ottawa. The Junction also provides intake for Supervised Injection Services and harm reduction supplies (needles, crack pipes, meth pipes, condoms, lube).

Supplies Available:

  • Various syringes and needles
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Filters
  • Sterile Water
  • Vitamin C
  • Tourniquets
  • Cookers
  • Portable sharps containers
  • Crack Pipes (stems)
  • Meth pipes (bowls)
  • Foil
  • Screens
  • Push sticks
  • Mouthpieces
  • Take home naloxone

Substance Use Addictions & Mental Health

Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic

Our rapid access addiction medicine (RAAM) clinic is a low-barrier, walk-in clinic that clients can attend to get help for a substance use disorder without an appointment or formal referral. RAAM clinics provide time-limited medical addiction care (including pharmacotherapy, brief counselling, and referrals to community services).

Clients should have a valid Ontario health card.

For people with Opioid Use Disorder, we provide:

  • Medication treatment: methadone or buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone)
  • Referral for counselling
  • Access to harm reduction supplies including sterile needles and syringes
  • Naloxone kits and overdose prevention training

For people with Alcohol Use Disorder, we provide:

  • Treatment with anti-craving medications for alcohol: naltrexone or acamprosate
  • Referral for counselling, social support groups, etc.
  • Review of supplemental treatment options available (residential, day, outpatient)
  • Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Ways to attend the RAAM Clinic:

  • Walk-in at the clinic Monday to Friday before 2:00 PM
  • Book an intake appointment by calling 613-569-3488 ext. 2106
  • If you have questions about this service, you may ask to speak with a registered nurse by calling 613-569-3488.

Substance Use Addictions & Mental Health

The Drop-In

A safe, stigma-free environment for marginalized people who use drugs or are involved in street level sex work.

Services include:

  • Information & referral
  • Health promotion
  • Recreational activities
  • Telephone access
  • Basic personal care supplies
  • Post-injection observation & support  (for clients that have used the Supervised Consumption & Treatment Service)

Opening hours: Mondays through Fridays 12:00 to 5:00pm

Except holidays

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  • What is harm reduction?

    Harm reduction is a set of strategies and approaches that decrease the negative consequences associated with substance use. Harm reduction facilitates change based on the individual’s desire for change, sense of self efficacy and internal and external resources.

    It is important to note that most of the harms associated with drug use come from drug policies that lead people to use drugs in more dangerous ways.

  • Who is eligible for the Oasis Program?

    Oasis services are available to people who inject or smoke drugs or who are involved in survival sex work.  

  • Why do people take drugs?

    In general, people take drugs because of the way they make them feel (seek pleasure), the way they make them not feel (avoid pain) and to create connections with others (sense of belonging).

    Drug use can become problematic when there are pre-existing problems with the way people feel or how they connect with other people.

    Adverse Childhood Experiences are positively correlated with problematic substance use as is social dislocation either through criminalization, job loss or traumatic community events.

  • Why not just offer substance use treatment?

    At Sandy Hill CHC, we consider harm reduction to be an integral part of our treatment of substance use disorder.

    The treatment goals for any chronic condition are to improve daily function, mitigate risks, including hospitalizations, improve quality of life and increase capacity to live a self directed life. 

    We work with people at all stages of substance use and substance use disorder to help them to achieve their goals and optimize their health.

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